

The only medication that cannot be given outside of the school day will be administered at school (i.e. mealtimes, physician designated
time, four times
a day or greater.) All medication taken at school must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist licensed to
practice in the State of Texas. School nurses must also have a signed parent request.

Label requirements

All medication must be in the original container and properly labeled with:

  • student’s name
  • name of the medication 
  • dosage and times to be taken


Giving medication to school/nurse

All medications must be deposited with the school office along with a signed Medication form. It is recommended that only a 30-day supply be brought to school. A parent or guardian must deliver the medication to the school. A request may be made by school staff to count the medication amount with the adult delivering the medication if deemed necessary.

Unused Medication

May be returned home with a student with written parent permission.


Over-the-counter medication

Over-the-counter medications like Advil and cough drops will not be administered at school unless there is:

1. A signed doctor’s order giving specific instructions for medication administration

2. A signed parent request


Students carrying their own medicine

Students may carry and self-administer emergency rescue medication while at school or school functions with permission from parents, physician, and school nurse.